I would never get this excited about two of the smallest broccoli spears I’ve ever seen if I were examining them at the local farmers market or grocery store, but in our own garden…well it’s a downright cause for celebration — and another post!

The gift of rain provided by Mother Nature herself last week was well received by our little garden. With the balancing of water reservoir and the overflow hose no flooding occurred and all the roots are holding firm in the soil!
There are numerous tomatoes and lots of flowers on our four plants. In fact I placed tomato cages over them to support their skywards stretch! Beans are ready to blossom, as lots of little flower pods are visible at the top of our bean plants. And oh my the squash plants, pumpkin, cantaloupe and watermelon have more than doubled their size in two weeks! We purposefully planted these little gems on the outer borders of our garden so we can train the vines over the edges and out into the yard. We’ll see how that goes! Somehow I’m guessing the plants will be in charge and let their preferences be known.
And that is how it is between a garden and her sweet petunia gals. We try things we think are best and the plants let us know if they are happy. Either they grow or we adjust. A little (or rather a lot) like life itself and our passage through it! I’m trying to be a good listener!
And the Herb garden…
A dinner of odds and ends of refrigerator vegetables and shrimp over grains got a big boost from basil and cilantro fresh from the garden.