Our pea plants which we planted from seed have sprouted! Emphasis on FROM SEED, and a reminder that this is day 7, that is amazing! I was skeptical because of the imposter sprouts a few days ago, but sure enough these sprouts are the peas.
The environment in the Eco Garden really lends to planting from seed. This is attributable to the higher moisture content and warmer temperature of the soil, which results in faster germination. Put simply: they will grow faster! We’re witnessing this first hand, and it is so exciting!
Some of the other plants are starting to bud, especially the tomatoes. No other big events, but the garden is still looking great, and it’s obvious that they’re starting to thrive.
One of coolest phenomena is the way water droplets form and sit on the leaves. I captured one in the Brussel sprouts that was just beautiful (it’s the featured photo for this post).